For Christmas my sophomore year of highschool Makenzie gave Emilie, Nancy and I a 5 dollar gift card for Jamba Juice. I hate almost anything fruity tasting so i never even thought twice to try it. For the past 4 years that little happy looking Jamba Juice card with a smiling snowman on it has been sitting in my wallet. The other day when i went downtown with a few friends, Rayce had to use the bathroom. I told Rayce that I had a giftcard for Jamba Juice so i will buy something and you can use the bathroom. Turns out i didn't have the card with me. However, I tried Jamba juice for the first time ever. THAT STUFF IS AMAZING! I now know why Kenzie talked about it all the time. I got Strawberries forever. A week after i had to find the nearest Jamba Juice so i plugged in a address in my GPS and went driving away singing to Ingrid Michaelson. I bought a drink and used my card from Kenzie. I have 7 cents left on it now. I won't spend those cents so i make sure i can keep that card forever. Kenzie.... Thankyou for giving me that card otherwise i would never have found Jamba Juice.