So... as many of you know Emilie has been in Australia for quite a long time now and it is getting to be very annoying. She left her phone here in Texas so she wouldn't be tempted to text us long distance. Soooo... she has dial up internet there so she rarely ever gets on facebook and when she does its when I am asleep here because of the time difference so I never know whats going on with her. It's starting to feel similar to went Mak passed away because no matter how many times i would text her phone i knew I wouldn't be getting a response. I am constantly texting Emilie about everything but i know i won't get a response any time soon. Well now i know i will because she is coming back in two days but really I miss Emilie soooo much now. However, I was very sad about Makenzie but I know i am seeing Emilie in a few days so i am not sad. Just missing her. Missing both of them.

Anyway, since i am on the topic of Makenzie and Emilie i thought i would tell a Makenzie, Emilie memory. Sooo... it was April Fools Day and Makenzie was super gullible. David and Emilie were best friends so Mak heard from someone that Emilie and David were dating. She got all excited and when she saw them later that day in the gym at play practice for the Wizard of Oz (David was just hanging out there) Mak confronted them. We all knew Mak and David weren't really dating, Emilie was the only un informed person. Later on Emilie found out and Em and David were very happy about how well their April Fools joke played out =] i am thinking about this and realizing this prbly isn't funny for anyone to read.. I think you had to be there but anyways it was amusing at the time. ( I don't remember all the details either because i didn't play a big role in this joke on Mak..I just watched it and was informed not to let Mak know it was a joke. When Emilie gets back hopefully she will add the details in a comment. If i just bring this joke up it makes her day haha)
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