8:08 pm on June 3rd 2009 was Makenzie Rebekah Stockers heavenly birthday. I sometimes wonder if they celebrate birthdays in Heaven. If they do then that much mean they would be celebrating on June 3rd rather then May 3rd (earthly birthday). It's weird thinking about getting a new birthday. Anyway, today many many people celebrated Makenzie's heavenly birthday. I like to use the word "celebrate" because that's what I should be doing. Somehow my "celebrating" means crying. I should be "celebrating" because Makenzie got a new birthday and maybe even she gets to celebrate two birthdays a year now! Wouldn't that be amazing if we got to have two birthdays a year without aging!?!? Sounds fantastic to me! Anyway, we all (massive group of students and a few teachers) went to the Anton's house to eat and gather, enjoy each other's company, and "celebrate" mak's life on earth and her re

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