This year's homecoming game was miserable... Not only did it rain the entire game but I didn't have Makenzie sitting beside me. This year Sam did come back and watch the game with me. But i looked over at him about half way through the game and told him this was sooo weird. He asked why and i explained that usually I have Emilie and Kenzie sitting right there beside me cheering the team on. Emilie is now in strutters so I would have sat all alone if it wasn't for Sam. I am used to having Makenzie sitting directly behind me tugging on my hair or snuggling together to keep warm on the cold metal stands. Or having Makenzie point out to me where Nancy or Katelyn was dancing on the field. We usually didn't watch the game though. We would wander around. My most vivid memory was when i was sitting beside Kenzie and Emilie once and while the cheerleaders did their routine, Catherine held her "Go Fight Win" sign upside down so i was screaming "Go Fight Nim". I believe that was my first football game i ever went too. Makenzie made so much fun of me the next day. We also bought a pickle a the concession stand and we took pictures biting the separate ends. We tried to be like Lady and the Tramp but it didn't work. It ended up just falling on the ground in between us and that was the end of the pickle. I had fun with Sam but i would prefer i had both of them together with me
The other day Nancy alerted me that she ha
d a picture of me, kenzie, and emilie all in chapel on spirit day. Nancy never uploaded it because she thought she looked bad. I took my USB and went to her house and put it on facebook. This year as we sat there in chapel nancy said lets take the exact same picture over again. The only thing different was that there was no Kenzie.

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