So usually i write about Makenzie when something happens to me during the day that reminds me of a particular memory... Recently it has been the same memories or thoughts over and over again. Nothing new to write about. Today was like BAM! One thing after another. So as normal i arrived at school late and then we immediately had to go to the cafeteria for a speaker to come to talk to us. She was late so Ratjche stood up and told us the Stockers were coming to do chapel 2 weeks from now =] Then he told everyone about the Stockers finishing up Mak's shoe drive. Anyway, after that it was kinda hard. The speaker arrived and what she talked about was drunk driving. She had board after board of people who had been killed in drunk driving accidents. She talked about particular car accidents with details. Several of those reminded me of Kenzie's accident. (even though hers didn't have anything to do with drunk driving). She talked about a certain girl who was driving and her best friend had been flung from the passenger seat out onto the road and instantly killed. That was one phrase she used a lot "Instantly killed". It rung in my head over and over. I have read or heard those words so many times referring to Kenzie. Some of the pictures that she showed us were of 17 and 18 year old girls. I thought of their friends and parents. Why do so many people have to go through the same thing i do? Why do so many people have to lose their friends and kids? It was depressing. The next thing today was bio 2. Joey had gone out and caught a toad for Mr. Baacke to scramble it's brains and watch it's heart beat. This instantly brought me back to the memory from my sophomore year. One day before lunch Kenzie told me to follow her into Baacke's room. She was really excited. As i entered the room Mr. Baacke cautioned me not to follow her. Kenzie pulled me in anyways. When i got to the back of the room Kenzie was leaning over a frog with it's chest cut open and the heart still beating away. Makenzie and Mr. Baacke talked about this for a while and explained how it's heart would start slowing down throughout the day. I believe i was pacing somewhere not close to the table. Thankfully Baacke let the toad go today because of "some sensitive classmates. Not just Katie". It made me really happy =] Next i went to sonic today. I followed Nancy and at the sonic Nancy asked me what i got. I told her i got a kids corn dog meal and Nancy alerted me that i don't like the food at this specific sonic. This was the sonic that i had found a hair in my recesses blast. I gave that to Kenzie. She told me she didn't care. I had also gotten popcorn chicken there before that i didn't like. Kenzie ate that too. I had also gotten a Dr. Pepper once.. but there was a hair on the outside of the cup. Makenzie drank that too. Sure enough when i got the corn dog today... It didn't live up to my standards but i ate it anyway. Makenzie was our trash can. She ate anything. I also remember Makenzie coming home with us one day from school. My dad and mom picked me and Kenzie up together. We went to sonic and sat outside. She ordered a hamburger and one thing i will always remember was that she prayed before she ate. That was sophomore year so that sort of thing still stood out to me.
Katie -
ReplyDeleteHey it's Elizabeth, Sam's sister. I was on facebook looking at Sam's halloween pictures and through a long string of clicks I ended up at your blog. I randomly think about Makenzie and her family and friends. I never once met her but I find myself thinking of her like I did. I feel for you. I lost a friend in highschool but sadly we were not speaking when he took his life. I just want to point out that even though nothing can make you feel better but to have Makenzie back, at least you were both still close friends. I know it's hard to lose someone no matter what but you can be thankful that you have these memories.
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"
If ever you need someone to talk to I am here and understand. I think it's great to write out all the memories you have of her, but I hope one day they only make you smile rather than bring you any kind of sadness.