If you are a senior at LSA you will know what i am talking about. Makenzie loved my hair. It was easy to blame it on her if my hair looked bad. "Oh Makenzie got to it" or "Makenzie was making volcanos with my hair". Every class i had with her she would sit directly behind me.. For what i believe was because of my hair. In my yearbooks i read "Katie i love you and your lucious locks". In class she would sit there and pick my hair apart. Every curl and every peice seperated from the rest. Somedays i would say no. I have tutoring after school or no because I am not going home right away. When she was done my hair would be massive. I clearly remember a moment in Psychology where she never took my hair out of the pony tail and picked it apart. Mrs. Brehmer wasn't paying attention and in the middle of class she looked at me and was like "What is Kenzie doing to you"? The class everyday would watch Makenzie as she slowly turned my hair into a monster. She would hold it all together and release it and say LOOK IT'S A VOLCANO! The last memory i have of her playing with my hair was in Mr. Robbins class. The last bible study we had together junior year. We sat there watching Bye Bye Birdie and Makenzie did her normal thing and made my hair massive. Makenzie would ask me" Does this feel good katie? Because i love playing with your hair. It's calming". Mr. Robbins would look and laugh. People would stare at me. Next period we had Physics and as we left the room i said Kenzie you are responsible for my hair's current state! She finally decided she would do something with it.. The result was a massive top knot. I quickly took it down and then Brandi attempted to do my hair.Also, she was the only one who has ever been capable of french braiding my hair. She was very proud of this fact too. Any picture you see of me with my hair in a french braid you can be sure to say Makenzie got to my hair. One time she even braided it dry. She was soooo proud.Today while i sat in Bible Study Jenna played with my hair. Really everyone messes with my hair if i sit in front of them but now it just reminds me of Kenzie. I don't say anything because i don't mind but all i think about is Makenzie.
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