Today, facebook updated me saying Sherohman had added a new picture of Makenzie. I went to see it and it was a picture of her and Annsley making weird faces. It made me think of other choir memories i had with Makenzie that i really didn't remember until today. I remember one specific event that Kenzie and I had a blast and we both ended up injured.
Our Sophomore year Sherohman took us to his church to rehearse before a concert. This was always an exciting day because we would get Jason Deli delivered to us in a box. Anyway, while on our break Kenzie and I created a new form of entertainment. We called it "Pew diving". (When i think about this now i think this was a little disrespectful). But we

would take a running leap and slide down the pew on our stomachs and see who could get farther. Sometimes our shirts would slide up a little bit and we would get rubbed and turn red and end up with a bruise. Anyway, Sherohman ruined our fun after about 10 mins and made us stop. But you can just imagine Kenzie and I taking running leaps into the pews and laughing at the top of our lungs. Sadly, i don't have any pictures of us doing this. One other thing i remember about this day was how fascinated kenzie was by a sparkly gold thing. I don't know the name of it but when she received this gold sparkly thing it became something everyone wanted. Makenzie wanted to wear it as a halo but people kept taking it. This stood out in my mind about that day but i have no idea why.
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