It was a normal morning for me. I had planned on sleeping in until around 2pm like i usually did. As if waking up early wasn't enough to ruin my day, i was given the news that Makenzie had died. I was sleeping in my bed and it was around 10:15 am. My mom heard frantic knocking on the door or maybe it was ringing. I don't remember. Anyway, my mom ran downstairs in her pajamas and opened the door. Katelyn Norman was standing there crying and could hardly talk. She asked my mom if i was home and then ran
upstairs into my room. I was still sleeping and was awakened by her heaving breathing and sobbing. She threw herself onto my bed and said the worst words i have ever heard "Makenzie died Katie. Makenzie died!.". I was incapable of processing this information at the time and just sat up in my bed and stared at Katelyn. My mom came and sat on the bed and had heard Katelyn telling me Kenzie died. She sat down and hugged Katelyn. They were both sobbing together now and i was just sitting up straight in my bed starring at my wall. As i slowly looked around my room i saw Makenzie's face everywhere. All over my bulletin board, in my picture frames, my assignment book still on the ground from the end of school. As i sat there not really understanding what had just happened i hear Katelyn say, "Poor little Kenzie". She couldn't breathe, honestly i have never seen someone cry so hard. I must have sat in my bed not moving for at least another 20 mins. with Katelyn just sitting there on my bed. It didn't hit me and I was incapable of crying. When i first heard Katelyn say it i thought it was a joke or something. It never occurred to me that my best friend could die.
After a good while i began moving around on my bed and getting my phone to see if anyone had texted me. I didn't have any text. My mom went downstairs and checked the message machine only to find a message from Mr. Finke about what had happened. There was also another message from Mrs. Norman saying that Katelyn was on her way over and that my mom might want to warn me before Katelyn got there. Of course we weren't awake though. I texted Sherohman like i always do if i have any big news. Right when i did this the tears hit me. I had never cried so hard in my life. I never knew i was capable of having so many tears come out of my eyes. He left school (summer hadn't started yet for them at Dickinson) and came over to my house. Soon i found myself, my mom, katelyn, and Mrs. Norman all sitting around my kitchen table. As Katelyn and I sobbed i called the Wukashes home phone since Nancy was grounded at the time and didn't have her phone. A very sad sounding Bonnie picked up and asked who was calling. She then gave the phone to Nancy. Soon, the Wukasches, Finke's, and Normans were all at my house. The first person that called me that day to talk to me about Kenzie was Dimitri... I will never forget this. Dimitri.... all we ever do is insult each other. He called and said," I am sorry" as i walked alone around the pool. I won't ever forget that. Dimitri DOES have a nice side. hahaha
After a little bit everyone got in cars and drove to LSA. There we met Joe, and a few others that I can't remember at the moment. We sat on the island by Buchman's room and soon found ourselves surrounded by Mr. Schultz, Little Baacke, Mr. Himmler, Mrs. Morgan and Mr. Ratjche. We sat there crying for a while. Well most of us were crying. After hanging there for a long time we went to Geiger's room to look at the choir scrapbooks that had Makenzie in it. Finally we left the school. Mrs. Morgan was now one tissue box shorter then she was before. Nancy took it =]. Then Nancy, Katelyn, Kristina, and I went to IHop. Nancy stuffed herself with chocolate chip pancakes and then I ate the rest of them. I felt sooooo sick. Emilie went to the Stocker's house and a few others came back to my house including Zane and Kristina . It was the longest day ever. Nancy and Emilie stayed the longest. We ended the day with writing her name out on balloons and taking pictures for some reason. That's what happened that day. I hope i will never have to go through something like that again.
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