As i started bringing out my decorations for Halloween i couldn't help but think about makenzie running around with my rubber bloody cut off arm. She found it highly amusing to play with and even filmed videos of herself with it on my camera. The videos from that day are some of my favorite that i filmed with her. As we were decorating and hanging up spiderwebs Casey, took off and ran away. I went taking off after her as Makenzie sat down in my yard and just began laughing. No help.. Just laughing and then deciding that she should video tape it. So she got a video of me running back with Casey in my arms. Then we would go back to decorating again. As i unpacked my arm this year i wanted makenzie back helping me arrange the decorations. I longed to see her wrap herself up in my spiderwebs and make them all come off the brick again. I wanted her there holding the ladder for me.
This year, Emilie came over for Halloween. We took pictures with the bloody hand and then put it back outside in the front yard again. Sometime throughout the night someone stole that hand. When i got home i asked my parent's where all of our decorations were. They told me someone stolen my arm so they brought everything inside. Somehow, this made me very sad. I sat there on the stairs complaining to Emilie for about 4 mins. I notice that anything of mine that Makenzie played with, wrote with, etc I get slightly protective about. I have a rubber band shaped like a pig that she used to wear around her wrist. I get mad when people shoot it across the room. I try to hold onto everything i have that relates to her.
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