I forgot all about this memory until i began looking through some of Catherine's Hart's photos. Last year i was in PAP Physics with Makenzie. We sat next to each other everyday. One day Mr. Himmler (our teacher) took all of us outside. We didn't exactly know what was going on but we knew it involved eggs. Mr. Himmler proceeded to put his tie dye smock on followed by sunglasses and then a towel around his neck. Mr. Himmler then told us we were going to throw eggs at him. Makenzie was the first one to volunteer. Emilie and I laughed at her as Mr. Himmler gave her a egg. She told us that throwing a egg at a teacher sounded exciting. Our whole class stood behind her as Makenzie lifted her arm with a egg. Makenzie was about to throw it and then she said "really??". Mr. Himmler said yes and she began to raise her arm again. This time Mr. Himmler said "Wait!". Kenzie put her arm down as he readjusted himself. She got rea

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