RAFA (makenzie's dance studio) put on a performance dedicated to Makenzie. It represented before the accident, the accident itself, and the mourning process that took place afterwards. Mrs. Stocker was the first one to tell me about this and the performance first took place on the night of LSA's homecoming. Therefore, no one from LSA went except Alessandra who was in it herself. I wanted to see it then but i didn't want to miss homecoming. Caitlin and i talked and I decided that I would come over to her house sometime and watch the tape. I must admit, i wasn't really sure if i wanted to see the dance. There was a duet in the middle of the performance that had only Caitlin and Aaron. (These were the two in the accident with mak). As leary as i was about going to see it.... RAFA decided to do another show for people at LSA to come see. I went along with Nancy, Emilie, Jenna, and Kirstie. When we arrived at RAFA it was a plain reminder of Kenzie. I had been there only twice before and both times were with her. I looked at the walls and saw Kenzie's smiling face in a good portion of all o the pictures that lined the hallways. I quickly noticed the shadow box dedicated to Makenzie that had a pair of her ballet slippers in it. There was also the Makenzie Stocker Scholarship plaque. It had that picture of her in the grass doing the splits lying on her hands smiling. As the doors opened Nancy, Emilie, Jenna, and I pushed our way through. I sat on the very first row and Nancy and Emilie quickly joined me. I didn't expect the performance to be to hard for me to sit through. I have cried so much that the crying has been slowing down quite a bit. As soon as Cara (the choreographer) began talking about Makenzie, tears began rolling down my face. I didn't understand most of it but i did understand the part where Aaron and Caitlin danced together. Devin, another girl kenzie danced with played Makenzie's body. The three leaped and bounded together and soon Devin laid down on the ground. Caitlin and Aaron approached her and laid a single white rose on her hands. Next thing that made me cry was everyone circled around Devin and began hugging her. I wanted Devin to actually be Kenzie so badly. I wanted to jump up and join that giant hug. I wanted to hug Kenzie at that moment more then i have wanted to hug her since the accident happened. As all of the audience began to cry my tears came faster. Soon, i noticed the dancers crying. This just k

illed me. Kenzie must have been just as close to all these dancers as she was with Nancy, Emilie, and I. I didn't know who these people were but their tears were for the same thing mine were. I felt like i had known these people forever. As soon as the dance was over, many of the dancers i had never talked to before or even seen before came up to me and started hugging me. They must have recognized my face from Kenzie's pictures. This was amazing. Travis came up and hugged me. I didn't know him but i sure felt like i did.
( Actually we had both met each other at Kenzie's 17th birthday. We just have no memory of this) Makenzie talked about him frequently and seeing him in person and approaching me to just give me a simple hug was somehow very comforting. I still haven't ever talked to Aaron but i hope i will sometime.
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